Sun Damage To Our Eyes: What You Need To Know

Since we are huge advocates for skin cancer and problems caused by the sun, we wanted to highlight some of the other problems that can arise due to sun damage. The sun is a very powerful source of energy, hence the reason it can disrupt our skin cells and cause them to go cancerous. This energy is emitted in a number of ways, primarily as light and heat, both of which bring life to our amazing planet. The main subject of this article is light exposure from the sun and what it means for our health. You wouldn’t think twice about popping on your sunglasses in a tropical climate where the sun is incredibly bright, so we are aware of the power of light from the sun. Let’s explore the ways in which light affects our bodies.

Eye Protection From The Sun

Sunglasses are the main form of eye protection from the sun, designed specifically to reduce the amount of light that is entering the eye. Sunglasses have a tinted lens that allows some of the light to pass through and into our eye, but not all of it.  This means our eyes are not constantly being strained by the bright daytime light. You should consider using sunglasses when you are exposed to high levels of brightness for prolonged periods of time including at work and in other public areas.  Sunglasses can help our eye a lot, especially if we are outdoors 24/7. Our eyes can be affected by the constant bright light, and the eyes may also get burned, especially if exposed to the ultraviolet rays all year round.

Do I Really Need Sunglasses?

Many people think that they do not need to wear sunglasses when they are outdoors, or even driving for that matter. However, just a few hours in the sun is enough to visibly strain our eyes for the rest of the day. There are also many other instances where the sunlight may be intense enough to cause discomfort and excessive squinting. The other thing to remember is that everyone is different when it comes to light sensitivity, so some may be more affected than others. People who do not wear sunglasses like native people or traditional people can develop tanning on their eye and diminished sight due to the light intensity.

What About Blue Light?

Many people have been discussing the effects of blue light recently, which is the light that comes from computer screens and electronic devices such as phones and tablets. Blue light has the highest energy of all visible light in the spectrum, and it is also produced by the sun naturally. The problem is, the sun comes out during the day then disappears at night, and our bodies are affected by this natural light cycle. Excessive blue light, especially in the evening, can disrupt our bodies natural melatonin production, which is the hormone associated with sleep.

Can Blue Light Glasses Help?

What are blue light glasses? They are special glasses for blue light that prevent the blue light from entering your eye, preventing any harmful exposure to blue light from artificial sources like LCD TVs, computer monitors, or headlights. The blue light glasses work by using a patented blue light filter with highly refined, custom-made lens elements that provide protection against any blue light source. The lenses help to reduce possible damage to your retinas from prolonged exposure to blue light and prevent glare from everyday activities that are performed on computers. It’s been proven that blue light glasses can significantly improve your focus, but they can also help improve your sleep quality too. The glasses help to prevent your eyes from any possible disruption caused by blue light, resulting in clearer focus, better productivity and even a better nights sleep.

Take The Sun Seriously

Sun damage is any physical changes or damage of your skin caused by too much sun exposure. Sun damage can occur almost anywhere on the human body, oftentimes exposed to the sun, however, the most commonly affected areas are on your face, head, ears, neck, shoulders, chest, back, shoulders, knees, elbows, fingers, and now we know our eyes can also be affected. Forms of sun damage may include dry skin, sunburn, suntan, actinic keratoses, brown spots, wrinkles, changes in collagen, which will result in wrinkled skin, and red patches that often develop into stretch marks or other discolouration. There are also cases when the skin will develop cancerous cells due to too much sun exposure and sun damage. These types of changes are all normal and happen to everyone once in their life, however the length of time and the type of damage may vary from one person to another.

Stay Safe

Sun exposure does not have to be damaging to your skin and eyes, if you take the necessary precautions. The sun is a natural source of energy that can be beneficial if used properly, but if overused it can be harmful to the skin, our eyes and our bodies. It can cause serious damage and early ageing, even cancer of the skin, so make sure you think before going out into the sun. So before you decide to hit the beach for a few hours, think about the damage you could be doing to your skin with too much sun exposure, and take the necessary precautions. Suncream, regularly applied and of a sufficient factor rating is recommended, and don’t forget your sunglasses.